Food Pantry + Diaper Bank


Soup Kitchen

Resource Center

Free Clinic

Day Shelter

Immigrant Integration

Food Pantry

Groceries, Diapers and Hope

The Food Pantry is open every Wednesday morning. Nearly 200 households are served each week, mostly families with young children as well as elderly people and homeless people. We distribute thousands of pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as meat, milk, and nonperishable goods. Our Diaper Bank is part of the Food Pantry and families can pick up diapers at the same time that they pick up groceries. We distribute 50,000 diapers every year!

How do I participate? 

The pantry opens at 7:45 on Wednesdays and closes at 10:45. Patrons can receive food every week and a 50-pack of diapers once a month. Diapers are available every week but families receive all of their diapers at once: this makes the Diaper Bank more accessible for working parents who cannot come in every Wednesday. 

Groceries are distributed in the courtyard during warmer weather and indoors during the winter. Anyone in need is welcome. Please sign up online beforehand or bring recent (less than 2 months old) proof of address on your first day and we’ll have you fill out a paper sign-up form. If you would like to receive diapers please bring proof that you have a child under 48 months in your household, such as a MaineCare card or birth certificate.

We are always in need of diaper donations, especially sizes 3, 4, 5, and 6! Check out our Amazon wishlist!